Monday, 15 June 2015

I need a crash helmet...

Well folks,2 years after my last post,(or thereabouts),I'm posting again. It is actually down to Mort,I saw that he is writing a new blog,went over to his on link and realised I still had mine. It's been a long time,so much has happened....
Mum passed away not long after my last post,in August 2013,that year was manic and full of pain for one reason or another,mostly because my brothers felt attacking me was necessary.Anyway,Mum passed from a brain tumour,we picked ourselves up and tried to have a good Christmas,however shortly into the new year,we discovered my partner,Peter, has pancreatic cancer with secondary liver tumours. Of course its in-operable and of course its terminal. So today I am preparing for the worst,hes had all of the chemotherapy,he cant have anymore,and his health is in decline.
Hence the title...I need a crash helmet.
I dont know how often I can post whilst this is on-going,but I think I will need to when the dust settles,it helps me in bad times to vent out,write down feelings and leave them on the page,so I may do that. Thank you to anyone who may read this,it is helpful.All the best xxx


ADB said...

Keep posting, Zoe. Although it won't do anything in a practical sense, it will help you get some of your grief etc out of your system. We'll be here to support you, as always.


Jeannette said...

Sending you and Peter lots of prayers to get through this awful time Zoe. It does help to write it down and have friends come over and show their support. xxxx

mortonlake said...

hi post when and what you want,your friends are here for you anytime.ive not posted on mine lately,but I take care xxxxxx

Jeanie said...

It's good to be able to vent grief or anger on the written page. It can be such a release! Thanks to Guido for giving us all a 'head's up' to make us aware of your anguish. We might be far away but close enough to wish you a smooth passage through these terrible days.
Just you take care of yourself and go at your own pace. xxxxxx

Rose said...

Sending my thoughts honey